Saturday, February 25, 2017


Ame (Ah-meh)... Japanese for Rain.

So this past week my mother received a call advising a puppy was available and in need of a forever home. After seeing a photo she broke down and agreed to let my little brother take a look.
He of course fell in love with the pup and a plan was put into place to purchase the little Yorkie-Poo. He decided the dog would be named "Yuki".

Unfortunately... a small miscommunication and the dog was sold to another forever home. 

Imagine my little brother's dismay... Mom and Dad to the rescue. They contacted my older siblings who put us in touch with a dog rescue in the valley. 

And what was meant to be came to fruition... Meet Ame a miniature Schnauzer!

He's a cool little dude... testing the limits of my baby puppy "Sunita". 

He sleeps through night and at 12 weeks is potty trained. Best thing of all... Ame has found his forever home with my little brother who is the kindest and most compassionate person I know. Welcome AME!!!

Saturday, February 18, 2017


Hoping you all had a great Valentines Day! My Valentine was so sweet and made me chocolate covered strawberries and chocolate chip cookies. He made my Valentines Day so special!

Magnetic Picture Frame

  • Picture Frame
  • Sheet Metal
  • Glue Gun
  • Tin Snips
  • Fabric
  • Magnets

Remove the back and glass from the picture frame.

Measure sheet metal and cut using tin snips. My Dad helped me as it had sharp edges. He used a hammer to pound sharp edges flat.

Center the sheet metal in the center of fabric.

Use hot glue gun to glue fabric to the sheet metal.

Place fabric sheet metal into the picture frame.

Place the back on the picture frame.

Finished magnetic picture frame.

Hot glue magnets to back of makeup containers or whatever you want to place on the magnetic picture frame. 

This project was so easy my little brother made one for his room.
Wishing you all a magnetic Saturday! Can't wait until next week to introduce you to another member of our family!

Saturday, February 11, 2017

Love is in the Air...

Heart Wind Chimes

  • Red pony beads
  • Clear pony beads
  • Pink pony beads
  • Heart shaped silicon treat pan
  • Baking pan 
  • Ribbon or string
  • Scissors
  • Hot glue gun/glue sticks
  • Stick/Twig

Start by filling the heart shaped silicon treat pan. 

Place the filled silicon treat pan on the baking dish and place in the oven or BBQ grill. If you use the oven heat to 400 degrees F for 25 minutes. **Note the melting plastic will create MELTING PLASTIC SMELL/FUMES. Open windows to air out your kitchen. I chose to use BBQ at 400 degrees F for 15 minutes. Using the BBQ grill eliminates fumes in the house.

Once the beads are melted remove from heat source and allow them to cool. I placed the silicon pan in the refrigerator for 10 minutes.

Pop the hearts out of the silicon pan.

Glue hearts on the ribbon. I did 4 ribbons total with 2 to 4 hearts on each.

Next wrap the ribbon around the stick gluing it down with the hot glue.

Glue the final piece of ribbon to each end of the stick to hang.

Wishing you a very Happy Valentines Day... Love is chiming in the Saturday breeze!

Saturday, February 4, 2017


Themed parties are no strangers to my family. As I'm spilling my guts about my MUSE last week, my cousin was having a "GREAT GATSBY" - Roaring 20s" party to celebrate her 25th Birthday. 
Good looking family right?

This week I've been dealing with "expectations". You all know that feeling.

I know many have the weight of the world on their shoulders living up to someone else's expectations. Expectation from parents, friends, teachers... you catch my drift.
I'm trying to remember a time my parent's had "expectations" of what I should be doing. Honestly... the only phrase(s) that comes to mind constantly uttered by my parents in no particular order is, "My expectation at the end of the day is you've finished your chores, homework, brushed your teeth (okay this is my brothers not mine), washed your face, did anyone hurt or offend you, were you kind today, and did you pass judgement on anyone." 

You see... my dad is the calm and "balanced" one of my parents. He has the kindest and most generous heart. He sees the good in all... even the bad ones. He is the one that has the smile on his face and waves at everyone!

My mom on the other hand... is in a constant state of alert and is poised to go for the jugular at any moment. She is the one that sees the elephant in the room and squares up and says, "what's your issue?" Mom is the one that asks everyday, "How was your day... did anyone give you grief today? Cuz... you know I will pull a broom out of my "cuss" and fly right over there and beat that kid!"

I get it... because the subliminal messages my parents are giving me are to be a kid, enjoy life, be happy, screw up, pick myself back up, be a decent human being, do what I love, and the rest will fall in place.

I have only one expectation today and it includes my Tony! Ah, expectations...