Saturday, February 20, 2016

Adventures with Baby Puppy...

Hello, my name is Sunita, aka "Baby Puppy". Uncle Henry and mommy are away on this beautiful Saturday morning...lazy lounging make way for Baby Puppy! Grandpa is the best lounging buddy ever...until the lady who visits on the weekends makes an appearance. She's always telling me her's "Get off the Couch"! Hot digitty dog she sure loves telling me her name. Annoying right?

So "Get off the Couch" tells Grandpa we're going on an adventure. Guess which awesome  dog gets to tag along? Me!!! I'm intrigued and I'm thinking this should be good because "Get off the Couch" is always going on adventures in her car. 

Paparazzi is opp...I'm ready for my close up! See this is me intrigued..."Get off the Couch" seems really excited. Grandpa and her are having a pretty in depth conversation about collars...I think we're heading to a jewelry store to buy "Get off the Couch" a collar. 

What the?!? Okay...this is NOT a jewelry store!

"Get off the Couch" is talking about a jacuzzi. I'm excited this jacuzzi thing should keep "Get off the Couch" out of my hair while I mark my territory in this fine establishment. HEY!!! I'm not amused this jacuzzi thing is not for people! 

{$&@^€*%!} ain't gonna be jacuzzing no 4 legged creatures! Me being the 4 legged creature!

Really...Who would have thought "hook a pup up please" meant hooking a pup up and not on a blind date! 

Grandpa...when does "Get off the Couch" leave? Adventure...I think not!

Hey check out my new collar! I do believe this traumatic adventure is almost over.

Home sweet home...reward time! 

Yummy yummy yummy....thanks Grandpa! I reckon "Get off the Couch" isn't so bad either.

Wishing you an adventurous Saturday with no jacuzzi...a little lounging...and certainly no "Get off the Couch"!

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