"Chippie"... an annoying girl who is always ready for a fight and drama. She's ready to do battle over something she never had...
I've experienced many "firsts" over the last year...
First LOVE...
First time wearing long formal gown...
First corsage...
First invite to a golf tournament...
First time feeling uncomfortable in a sea of older men talking about "Happy Gilmore's"...
And how does this all come full circle you ask?
My Tony invited me to one of his golf tournaments. He scared me a little because he seemed to be in a ZONE and certainly not acting like my love. He was removed from the other golfers in his group, no smiles, no hugs, no kisses, no nothing. What I did witness was an athlete with a tremendous golf swing and does my boy have a GOLF GAME! My boy has GAME!
My Tony's father was so sweet and walked with me for 18 holes. Not only did he walk with me and explain Tony's game... he spared me the embarrassment of watching a stupid golfer from a "PREP" school urinate on the course in front of women. What an idiot eh? Tony's father was such an awesome host that the feeling of being uncomfortable just seemed to melt away.
So what is the Chippie in all of these firsts? One of my dearest friends "Karma" who had a front row seat at this golf tournament witnessed me crossing paths with the biggest "Chippie" of them all. The most awesome part of this situation is it happened at the very end of the tournament. I've never seen someone so shocked to see me on her turf.
For whatever reason this "Chippie" seems to think I've stolen her man. I'm still trying to figure out how the heck I stole something she never had.
I did manage to catch a peck on my cheek while Ms. Chippie was watching. In dog terms... As Baby Puppy would say... "I'm just "MARKING MY TERRITORY!"