Saturday, June 24, 2017

Going to the Dogs...

This week has literally gone to the dogs...

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My little brother, Tony, and me all trekked down to the valley to be DOG-SITTERS!

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I must say it's been a bit painful as the 3 of us are on MOUNTAIN STANDARD TIME trying to blend in with the VALLEY inhabitants. What does that mean?!? Well, MOUNTAIN STANDARD TIME according to Penelope is... Life moving in slow motion similar to a Norman Rockwell painting. S-L-O-W pace... no rush to get from point A to point B.

AND who knew the Valley of the Sun was located on the map about 2 clicks from HELL. Have mercy the heat... I have to give props to you VALLEY inhabitants you're definitely conditioned to deal with this HEAT!

So, back to life going to the dogs... 

My older brother and sister-in-law are honey-mooning (is that how you say it?) in Italy. Man, what I wouldn't give to back in Italy right now! So, my little brother is dog-sitting Gemma-Lou and Nixon. It finally dawned on me (sorry, yes, I'm going off rails again) Ms. Gemma-Lou looks like a purse that some french poodle might carry... that is if dogs carried purses.  

Honeymooners in Rome, Italy 


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Back to the Dogs...

Matix aka Bat Dog
My older sister and her love are vacationing in Colorado. So, Tony and I are dog-sitting Ms. Tidly and introducing a.k.a... dunna-nunna-nunna-nunna-dunna-nunna-nunna-nunna-BATMAN! Allow me to introduce Mr. Matix the newest addition to our family of pups. Matix is a Belgian Malinois and has the energy of 12 atom bombs. Just look at those bat ears! My sister has him... I mean me on a tight schedule. The day begins at 4am and ends at 9pm. I'm thinking Tony is probably wishing he stayed his Mountain Standard butt at home!

Lazy Days

All kidding aside, I'm having a great time hanging out with my brother, my love, and ALL the dogs. I'm looking forward to a family dinner this evening to celebrate my Nana's 76th birthday! Wishing the summer could last forever as I'm dreading the countdown to my Senior year! 

Saturday, June 17, 2017

Oh Dad...

Oh Dad.... Almost every child  has said these exact words to our most wonderful parent in the world... Dads!

Dads are extraordinary creatures who can do and fix anything. Don't get me wrong they can.... most of the time. They also have a special powers to scare away handsome boys within 3 clicks of their daughters.

This beautiful Saturday morning, I would love to thank all the Dads out there in the world!

I'd like to thank them for being strong for their families.

I'd like to thank them for being the fixer uppers they are. 

I'd like to thank them for all the support and courage their give their children to push the envelope and follow their dreams.

I'd like to thank them for protecting their children's hearts from every boy or girl who manages to breach the front door. (P.S. Thanks Dad, but Tony isn't leaving anytime soon! )
I'd like to thank them for all the wisdom they have to offer.

I'd like to thank them for working as hard as they do to provide for their families.

AND... I'd especially like to thank them for all the love they give everyday!

All you Dads out there are special and deserve to have a very Happy Father's Day! Happy Father's day to my own wonderful Dad who is my hero! Love you!

Saturday, June 10, 2017

Whistle While You Work...

Ya... no Disney or Happiest Place on Earth going on here today. Believe me there is no whistling going on while I work. I love my job and have a great time hanging out with the people I work with... but... geez... working 4, 8, 10, or 12 hour shifts can be draining. Ya I know... put my violin away right?

I have such a new respect for my parents who work day and night to ensure my siblings and I have everything we could ever need or want. I truly had no idea how draining working, chores, and studying for college exams could be. I suppose this is great training for what is to come in just over a year, part-time job and college full-time. It will certainly be a time of transition for me and no bed of roses.

 My saving grace this fine Saturday morning is I received the sweetest surprise from Tony when he returned from his Mexico graduation trip with his friends... HIM of course! 

Excuse the late post as I head off towards a little town about 45 minutes away to take my ACT exams. Trust me, I won't be whistling as I'm pulling out my hair taking this standardize test!

Saturday, June 3, 2017

Job... Promotion... Graduation...Wedding = Colorado right?

Job... Promotion... Graduation... Wedding... = Colorado! Makes sense right? Not!!!

 I've had one eventful week. I landed a job at a local Country Club doing a little bit of everything. Working every night and then cramming for finals was pretty interesting.

My little brother was "Promoted" to the 9th grade! Nothing like starting at the bottom of the ladder again. He should do fine as he is wicked smart. Tested in 97% percentile for high school Algebra/Geometry.  Poor kid will be in College Algebra his freshman year in addition to all the honors courses. 

Tony Graduated tonight! I'm so excited for him and a little sad knowing the countdown has begun for him to head off to college. I've spent the last couple of days with his family. I've had an awesome time meeting friends and family. AND... his Grandmother from NM reminded my family and I of my Grandma Jane. Her mannerisms and she has no filter... just like Grandma Jane. The phrase is "diarrhea of the mouth" her phrase and we loved every minute of it.

After graduation my dad and made a trip down to the Valley. We're catching a plane heading to Colorado to meet up with my mom and little brother. My cousin is getting married in Denver.

Finally... I'm looking forward to a 10 hour car ride back home. I may finally get some well needed rest.