Graduation night...tears, laughter, memories of four years. It's amazing how we spend four years to get to the top. All the way to the cool hallways, early lunches, and the ultimate...going off campus for lunch! Imagine escaping the cafeteria and buying real food!!!
I have a good friend who made it all the way to the top. He plateaued Friday evening and graduated with honors from high school...and by this morning he plummeted back down to the awesome status of Freshman.
The best part of graduation...are the speeches. News flash...we're all going to fail! I love that sentiment. Failure is the best part of life and with time and practice we can accomplish anything.
I thought what better way to send my friend off to college then with a little care package from home. Here is everything you need to make a college survival kit:
- Small Sterilite Container
- Advil/Tylenol
- Tums
- Cough Drops
- Lotion
- Nail Clipper
- Toothpaste
- Dental Floss
- Kleenex
- Batteries
- Lip Balm
- Screwdriver Set
- First Aid Kit
- Lifesavers
- $20
Wishing you a Saturday filled with sweet memories of high school, friends, and the awesome adventures of going off to college. I think for now, I will be blissfully happy being a Junior and enjoying the ride!