Saturday, August 26, 2017


I’ve been thinking about the word Promise for last 2 weeks. What does it really mean? Why do so many people break them?

As children when making a promise we would say, “cross my heart and hope to die!”  Silly when you think about it why the heck would someone hope to die. Chalk that one up to childhood stupidity.

 Promise for me is sacred. If I give my word, it’s gold. I’ll do what I say and say what I’ll do. I guess it comes from my upbringing. The phrase “I promise” in our household is NEVER used lightly because for us it’s a binding contract. The word ranks up there with “I love you” and “I trust you.” Serious stuff eh?

The last Saturday (Best Day Ever) I spent with Tony before he embarked on his college adventure he gave me something to hold onto. Very few words were spoken other than… Um, I can’t take this… are you sure?!?

The gesture was so sweet and endearing I found myself screaming something in my head. In my head people and not out loud.
“I promise”.

I hadn’t told anyone until Thursday night. Shock value is an interesting thing with my parents. I casually approached my mother and said, “Hey mom do you want to see what Tony gave me?” Mom had been away for 2 ½ weeks so she was in a “Yes… whatever you say” kind of mood. So, I show her the gift, she looks at me, and back at the ring... AND says OUT LOUD, “Um, why do you have Tony’s ring?” “Hey Mike do you know about this?”

Wait for it… My Dad’s head does the inspector gadget move and says, "NO!" It was funny because the only other time I heard about him doing the Inspector Gadget move was when he first met Tony (um sitting next to me with his arm innocently on the bench when I was a Freshman). I laughed so hard. Of course, we discussed the gift… Let’s just say I will leave that discussion for a chapter in Penelope’s “best of... wait for it moments!”

Now I’m seated in the upright position taking my SAT’s on this gorgeous Saturday morning… yes, a 4-hour ordeal. Fidgeting with the ring on my necklace and a smile on face.

Saturday, August 19, 2017


I have many reasons to be dreading this beautiful Saturday morning. #1 my Tony is now 293 miles away, yes, 5 hours and 8 minutes from my front door. Not counting or anything like that…

My heart is weepy sad but I’m so excited for him! I saw his parents last night for a moment and wanted to cry. So… enough of the sappy girlfriend saga.

The other reason for my dread is the College application season has begun. I’ve applied to 4 colleges and have been accepted by two. Two more to go.

I’ve answered over 100 questions, submitted grades/transcripts, and now have the awesome task of answering ESSAY questions to give them insight as to why I want to attend their fine institutions… that my parents are footing the bill for…

If reason ruled in this situation I would be submitting an essay to my parents. The essay would be "Why the Hell do YOU Look so GOOD on PAPER?" 

On paper my parents appear to be of awesome means. The sad thing about that statement is our government fails to see that what’s on paper is typically not reality. Whoa did I just say that? Our government and reality in the same sentence. (Disclaimer… Going off the rails moment… doesn’t our government appear to be a bad reality show right now? I mean the channel says CNN but it looks more like E! or BRAVO!)

Back on track… what the FAFSA doesn’t list is:
My family is separated because of a quality of life issue. Well it started out that way… You see I couldn’t exist in the Valley of the smog… I mean Sun. Too many bouts with pneumonia and asthma had my parents seeking a better climate for me. Unfortunately, mountain standard time does not pay what the valley pays. So, one of my parents commutes weekly to their job to ensure life, college tuition, weddings, emergency from every corner, and day to day is maintained. The other one holds down the homestead and works close to home to ensure we have everything we need and then some. This unfortunately doesn’t factor into what the government wants to see on their reams of paperwork.

So back to my college essays and keeping myself busy… Why the Hell do YOU Look so GOOD on PAPER? BECAUSE I'm LOVED!

Saturday, August 12, 2017

Best Day Ever...

Today will be bittersweet as I spend my last Saturday with Tony, a.k.a. “The Boy”, before he heads off to college next week.

It’s funny how our mothers came up with nicknames for us. Yes, mothers are amazing creatures who can spot a boy or girl trying to capture their child’s heart. Then they proceed to create names for those SOMEONES!

It’s a dark and gloomy Saturday as we head down to the Valley of Sun. The sun is doing her best to make an appearance to make this a special day. As I reflect on my freshman and sophomore years when “The Boy” stole my heart and I couldn’t tell him because I was an awkward girl with “RULES”. Remember RULES!

What “Ms. Girl” found in those 2 years was a best friend in the “The Boy”. Oh, how I will miss him, miss long discussions about our futures, and sparring over our different views on life.

Wishing” The Boy” a great Freshman year navigating new surroundings, new friends, new sights, and hopefully lots and lots of homework to keep him busy!

Love, Ms. Girl

Saturday, August 5, 2017

Favorite Things Edition...

With school, back in session I’ve finally have a moment to breath and reflect on the chaos of the 1st week of school. What’s hilarious to me is we live in a small town and 1st week back is such a pain. Why you ask? Because every student’s parent has a PARENTAL NEED to drive their children to school.

The school parking lot was grid locked so my parental unit had to drive a ½ mile up the road to a Circle K to pick up my little brother and me.

So, back to my favorite things…

 Harry Potter backpack of course embellished with all my favorite patches. I’ve had the same backpack for 3 years. I treated myself to this little gem.

 Dresses… I used to hate dresses. Dresses are the best kept secret to sleeping in and just throwing something comfy on!

   Shirts… Ya… it’s just a shirt and yes, I wore the 2nd shirt over it so not to offend the teachers. AND no, I don’t drink alcohol.

 Jewelry… you know me and the BRACELETS!!!

 LOVE…LOVE…LOVE Too Faced Peach Palette

Shoes... nothing beats wedged Chuck Taylor's and FAUX FUR ones too!
Faux Fur!


String Doll Gang to liven up your backpack!

Two weeks and counting for "The Boy" to go off to college. Ah, favorite things can sure be bittersweet!