Saturday, January 27, 2018

New Rules...

So... today my parents decided they would begin the process of breaking me in to prepare me for my August departure to College. New Rules are rules that I must begin making for me... myself... and I.
What exactly does that look like? Step 1... Yes, laundry! Laundry will no longer just show up in my drawers. I will have the pleasure of doing my own laundry. Days of the laundry fairy are long gone.
Step 2: Conversation about what I think I know vs. what I actually know. I know nothing and it's so refreshing to have a clean slate. I can choose when the chalk hits the board and decide on the content. You know I think clueless can be a good thing sometimes.
Step 3: My journey is just beginning. I have just a few short months before my parent's cut the cord and send me off. Scary and exciting at the same time.

Cake for dinner... ya, I like that rule.

Saturday, January 20, 2018

What the Cuss!?!...

 Mommy is in California with her Graphics Club this weekend... so, I'm filling in this week. I'm not very happy with Grandpa or Mommy. I could have easily won a boatload of doggie treats if I a snapped a picture of "Get off the Couch's" face when she saw me on Wednesday.

What the cuss!?! I just said no to the Jacuzzi!
 Let's take a trip back to Monday. Grandpa and Mommy were talking about taking Ame (Lil Boy) and me to the Jacuzzi place. I'm no idiot... I remember the Jacuzzi place and I wasn't having any of that trickery again. So, I went into doggie turrets mode. I have it down to art. When I get in that mode I get grounded to my kennel. I'm the smartest dog in the house!
Ame... What the cuss... I'm sexy and you know it! (I should write songs)
So, they're gone for a few hours and Ame comes back all chill, strutting his stuff in front of my kennel. Barking about how great the Jacuzzi place was and how he was pampered by the dog lady. I'm thinking, "Ya right... been there... done that... No thank you very much!"

Highly suspicious...

 I'm thinking to myself, "Seriously... Ame doesn't appear to be traumatized they must have taken him to a different place. A place that fed him doggie treats while he was doing the Jacuzzi thing.
Mommy, has something strange in her hands and she is not happy with me. Must have been the turrets barking that put her over the edge. What! Scissors... oh no!!! Oh goats! Grandpa is on this and both are going Edward Scissors Hands on ears and face! I probably should have went with Ame to see the dog lady. I don't think this is going to turn out very well.
Ya... What the cuss!?! Neither will be winning prizes for DOG grooming. I should have kept still but I thought we were playing a game of how quickly can "Baby Puppy" escape Mommy's grip? I lost... Um, I look like Wylie Coyote on a bad day. Get off the Couch used some pretty colorful language when she saw me. I told Grandpa to stick her in time out in my doggie jail. He's still scaling the walls in the house and trying to avoid her. Just hair right... it will grow back. Note to self... NO TURRETS ON GROOMING DAY! BE NICE TO THE DOG LADY!

Saturday, January 13, 2018

As You Wish...

Over the years, I've heard phrases used in a variety of situations. Depending on which family member you were dealing with, it could be really good or a really bad connotation

I suppose I never really thought about phrases and how we use them in our day to day life. Last weekend while wandering around an outside valley mall I realized how a simple phrase can describe the best intentions and... not so good intentions.

So... as I was wandering I stumbled upon... yep, you guessed it... "As You Wish!"

Now, when I think about a bad connotation of "As You Wish" playing out in our household it was usually due to a stalemate of sorts. One family member usually agreeing to disagree and "As You Wish" would soon stumble out of their mouth with a combination of a roll of the eyes or a stink eye.

For me... "As You Wish" is more of a statement of love. Your significant other asking for something or making some type of a request... "As You Wish". Yes, I'm a novice when it comes to this sort of thing. I'm quite certain my heart will be broken one day and I will be joining in with the masses who their roll their eyes.

So... imagine how my heart smiled when my I stumbled across the As You Wish store. You know me and my need to create. If you've never walked into this store... allow me to provide a graphic description... the person who came up with the concept vomited "CREATIVITY" lives here, come on in!

University of Arizona Boyfriend
Tony obliged me (yep... an As You Wish moment) and painted with me. Although, my college roommate may give me the stink eye when she see his masterpiece on my bulletin board. 

My creation UofA Bear Down! 
As You Wish... with all my heart.

Saturday, January 6, 2018

New Year... Change is a Coming

Happy New Year and Welcome to 2018!

Times they are a changing. I have 4 months left of my Senior year. I'ts a scary to think this time next year I will be living away from home.

Away from Dad's home cooking and my little brother. Yes, we are those people who send photos of whatever gourmet creation was made using just 3 ingredients found in our home. Yes... those people!

I've been sheltered living in small town USA and well I'm different. Different in the best possible way as far as I'm concerned. I'm just not sure how "different" will translate when I leave the nest. I'm quite certain I'm in the same boat as the other thousand females getting ready to embark on their first adventure away from home. Just scary...

Today, is a good day. I spent the day with Tony in the valley just hanging out. Enjoying his company before he heads back to college. And so,the countdown begins... just trying to make the best of everything!