Saturday, August 27, 2016

Rockin' Saturday Right...

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How to rock a Saturday... Most people can never seem to rock a Saturday. The reason being is they've planned yard work, cleaning, homework, or anything that keeps them from having a great time. Saturday is supposed to be the day of the week where people are lazy and have fun. A day to wind down and recharge you brain. My ideal Saturday would include the following...

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Step one to having a rockin' Saturday is to SLEEP IN. I've come to an understand most people don't sleep in... My family falls in this category... I'm doomed to live a life with morning people. This Saturday even though you have a strong desire to read my wonderful post early... it should be read later in the morning, like after 11:00 a.m. 

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Step two to having a rockin' Saturday is to HAVE AN AMAZING BREAKFAST FIT FOR A KING or QUEEN. My favorite breakfast is  my dad's homemade bacon waffles, topped with strawberries, and homemade whipped cream. OH... lets not forget the bacon!

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Step three to having a rockin' Saturday is to WATCH SOME TV. Yes, I know TV rots your brain, but every once in while its a nice distraction from the world. I mean given the social landscape of our world... a cartoon vs CNN might be a good thing. My favorite Saturday cartoon is "Hey Arnold". I mean who can resist that football head!

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Step four to having a rockin' Saturday is to HANG OUT WITH FRIENDS. Totally optional of course. I see a lot of people throughout the week and I enjoy down time with family.  Although, I wouldn't mind hanging out with Tony... I NEVER ever tire of him. 

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Step five to having a rockin' Saturday is to wind down with a great movie and some "comfort food" for dinner. This my favorite step because I love watching a great movie with my family. Some of our favorites are The Help, Spy, and Kingsman to name a few.  Dad's best "Comfort food" is Beef Stroganoff. Whenever I eat my dad's homemade Beef Stroganoff it is the perfect ending to ANY day. 

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The last step to having a rockin' Saturday is to go to bed... after some dessert of course! The best place to enjoy it is in BED!!!

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That's it for this Saturday... Wishing you a rockin' Saturday filled with all your favorite people and all your favorite things!

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